My top five hits (and misses) for Hervey Bay this year
2 min read

WELL folks, this is it—the final Publisher’s Point of the year before we kick off again on January 9.

Time to dish out my opinions on the hits and misses of our beloved city in 2024.

The Misses

Crime: It’s a state problem, and our local reps have their hands tied. Let’s hope our new state buddies and their ‘tough-on-crime’ mantra do something. But really, can we just jail our way out of this? Doubtful.

Caravan Park shutdowns: Talk of closing down the iconic beach-front caravan parks is laughable. Hedging a few geniuses are wishing they didn’t get goaded into that motion. 

Ken Diehm’s Departure: Our CEO has announced he is retiring. Great for Ken, not so great for the rest of us.

Hervey Bay Community Noticeboard: This ‘community’ Facebook page is less about community and more about a free-for-all bash fest for local businesses. It’s embarrassing. Fix it.

Esplanade Traffic: Listen, the speed limit’s 50 km/h (60 km/h in Point Vernon). Stop crawling along at 30 km/h like you’re on a bird-watching tour. Pull over, park, and walk if you’re that keen on sightseeing. 

The Hits

Sheraton Approval: Finally, common sense prevailed in the end. Let’s stop wasting time with challenges and get moving.

Property Values: Up, up, and away. Great news if you already own property, not so great for first-home buyers. That’s a national problem, though. We’re just riding the wave here.

David Hay: This guy joined the Fraser Coast Tourism and Events board and left me with nothing negative to write. Too good. Makes my job harder, but I respect it.

Kingfisher Light Show: An absolute stunner. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor. As a night-loving redhead, it’s double the fun for me.

Gympie Bypass: Sorry, Gympie, but this is a win for us. We’re now even closer for visitors which is great for all local businesses.

A big thanks to everyone who’s chimed in, commented, and stirred the pot with me this year. It’s been a lot of fun.

Relax and have a great Christmas…
