About us

The Hervey Bay Advertiser, incorporating the Hervey Bay Property Guide, is the only home delivered community newspaper on the Fraser Coast. 

Focusing on the local leisure and news reading market, The Hervey Bay Advertiser features stylish tailor made sections and great special features on local living.

The product is a fresh, modern fortnightly publication for a growing region.

The Hervey Bay Advertiser is proudly locally-owned and-operated. Its office is situated in the heart of the Hervey Bay central business district. Unlike other media, whose profits feed into a multinational corporation, we are truly a member of the local community, keeping money in the local economy where it belongs. The Hervey Bay Advertiser heralds a new era in print advertising in the Hervey Bay region, providing a media alternative, where every story, is a positive local story.

The Hervey Bay Advertiser enjoys a fortnight-long shelf life, ensuring that advertisers receive maximum exposure to local consumers, though a publication which is designed first and foremost to be “an easy read”.

Exclusively home delivered every second Thursday to more than 22,500 homes, The Hervey Bay Advertiser offers unique pre-weekend exposure to the expanding Hervey Bay market, tapping into the higher readership end of the week. The product is printed in a high quality, full colour, trimmed and stapled format, allowing it to be picked up and read countless times over the fortnight, without falling apart.
