21 storey development decision mercifully close
1 min read

THE 21-STOREY development proposal in Torquay has sparked unprecedented division within the community. This issue represents a watershed moment for Hervey Bay, regardless of the outcome.

The community eagerly anticipates a decision from the councillors in their July meeting, although such assurances have been made before. The prolonged debate surrounding this proposal is like a boil, desperately waiting to burst. Thankfully it will be over soon.

Despite extensive social media commentary, public submissions, and rallies, this impact-assessable development application largely hinges on the detailed report and recommendations from Council officers.

However, councillors possess the discretion to approve it regardless of that report, if they believe the benefits to the region outweigh the concerns.

The new councillors could take a stick to the developers over the Jamie Durie charm offensive, reject the proposal and kick the decision down the road. The old paid celebrity endorsement didn’t play well in many quarters.

Think about it. They conceivably have zero to lose by doing so, letting someone else do the heavy lifting.

The developer would undoubtebly appeal to the Planning Court, and should they win, public memory of which councillor supported it and which didn’t, will have well faded in four years.

That’s possible but unlikely.

Half of the councillors are new, bringing bold and visionary thinking that contrasts with some of their predecessors. This is good for the region and the developer.

It is likely that these new councillors, unburdened by traditional politics, want to drive a prosperous economic future for the city through innovative ideas and a fresh approach.
A ‘stamping their mark’ moment.

Could such dynamic leadership secure the project’s approval, promising growth, progress, and revitalisation for the community? I believe it will.

Mayor George, known for his political acumen, will vote against the proposal, as he typically does in similar situations. That vanilla leadership and lack of visionary foresight has a dwindling future.

My prediction – The report by Council officers will recommend councillors approve the development, and it will proceed.

Whatever the decision, it will be pivotal in shaping the future trajectory of Hervey Bay.

Tell us what you think ….
