Renovated Urangan High canteen officially open
1 min read

A GRANT of more than $300 000 from the School Subsidy Scheme (SSS) has enabled an upgrade to Urangan State High School’s 28 year old canteen.

This upgrade is now complete and was officially re-opened by Principal, Tony McCormack, and the Member for Hervey Bay, Adrian Tantari MP, in March.

With kitchen refurbishment, roofing replacment, wall demolishment and landscaping, the canteen has truly been transformed. 

“The long-awaited Urangan SHS canteen upgrade has been a significant priority for our P&C for some time, and it is fantastic to have been able to work in consultation with our parents, community and the State Government to make it a reality,” said Mr McCormack.

“Our P&C – who draw the majority of their income from our canteen – are an amazing group of people who enable so much for our students and broader school community.”

“I am so pleased to see this superb upgrade has been completed, as it brings this important school facility up to modern standards for the benefit of the whole school community and I congratulate all P&C members, the canteen staff and school for getting this project done,” said Mr Tantari.

It is anticipated that the improved infrastructure will result in increased revenue, allowing the P&C to contribute to more projects that provides opportunities for students of Urangan State High School.

“This canteen refurbishment means that our students and staff are able to enjoy the highest quality facilities, and in turn contribute to the broader enhancement of our school environment through future P&C support,” said Mr McCormack.
