New Film on K’Gari

THE MOVIE industry continues to be present in our region with a new film beginning production on K’Gari this month.

Fraser Coast Films is about to undertake their second project in the space of 12 months with the proposed title ‘He Loves Me Not’ scheduled for filming in October.

Their previous production in Hervey Bay, 13 Summers, has finished their exclusive private screenings in Maryborough and Caloundra to rave reviews.

Producer Jeremy Stanford says it’s being considered globally. “It’s with our international sales agent……we have also been approaching Australian distributers in the last few weeks. We are pretty confident it will be picked up soon.”

The cast for the new project is already has a high profile lineup. Rhiannon Fish, well known for roles in Home & Away and internationally recognised series The 100, will be well supported by popular Australian actress Georgie Parker.

Producers were very excited to announce Lincoln Lewis, son of the legend ‘King’ Wally Lewis, joining the cast who will have a strong Queensland following. “He did a cracking screen test. He was head and shoulders about anyone else”, says Mr Stanford.

Executive Producer of Fraser Coast Films, local businessman Glen Winney, says there is opportunity for Fraser Coast based businesses to support the new project.

“We already have some great local sponsors but we want a lot more local content, local product placement to showcase what we do well here on the Fraser Coast”, says Mr Winney.

“Even restaurants can support us with providing meals for the team….everything helps”, says Mr Stanford.

Director for ‘He Loves Me Not’ Tam Sainsbury says the locations on the island are stunning for the production. “We just love being in the region”, she says.

People or businesses interested in supporting and being involved can visit the website

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