Local player represents Australia in hockey team
1 min read

HERVEY Bay is producing many future sports stars for the state, if not National level, but that doesn’t stop the “old timers” from still making their mark in sport.

Neil Bradshaw, a hockey player at local club Hervey Bay Brothers, was recently selected to represent Australia in the Men’s Masters Hockey Over 50s team that visited New Zealand.

Neil, well known locally in his role in media as Fraser Coast’s General Manager for Southern Cross Austereo that includes Triple M and Hit 101.9 radio stations, had his first taste 
of international competition participating in the Oceania Tran-Tasman Masters Hockey Challenge in Christchurch in early May.

His position as goal keeper is not for the faint hearted and the higher level competition certainly required to recall his youthful reflexes.

The tournament comprised seven women’s age divisions and nine on the men’s side from 35 years plus up to 75 years and over. Each age division played three matches to determine the series winners.

The series comprised three matches against the formidable New Zealand 50 years and over age group team. Our national team triumphed over their rivals with convincing scorelines of 4-1, 7-1, and 2-0, securing an emphatic series win and claimed the gold medal.

“It was an amazing experience……to stand with your team with the Australian uniform and hear our national anthem is something I’ll never forget”, says Mr Bradshaw.

Buoyed by his recent success, Neil now sets his sights on representing Queensland at the upcoming National Titles in Perth, scheduled for September.

This event presents yet another opportunity for him to prove his ability and gain selection for Australia to compete in the World Cup in 2024.
