Free movie nights
1 min read

FRASER Coast residents are invited to join free screenings of Just A Farmer in Tiaro and Maryborough, a new Australian film showcasing the heart and hardships of farming life that is backed by Hugh Jackman and features a star-studded cast.

Mayor George Seymour said the movie will be shown in Tiaro on 14 December and in Maryborough on 11 January, with free barbecue dinners provided before each screening.

“Just A Farmer is a powerful Australian story of resilience and connection that addresses the silent struggles within farming communities,” he said.

“This film is inspiring audiences across Australia to discuss the heart and hardships of rural life and the importance of reaching out for support.

“Internationally renowned actor Hugh Jackman has endorsed the film, which was written, produced and starred in by Leila McDougall. 

“Just A Farmer brings together some of Australia’s finest actors, including Robert Taylor, Susan Prior, Damian Walshe-Howling, Trevor Jamieson, Louise Siversen, Eddie Baroo and Nathalie Morris.”

The project is being funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments as part of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. 

Council is partnering with the Tiaro Chamber of Commerce and the Maryborough Progress Association to deliver the events.

“Both screenings are free, family-friendly events, but please note the movie is rated M and recommended for mature audiences,” Cr Seymour said.

Every 10 days, an Australian farmer dies by suicide, and people in rural areas are twice as likely to die by suicide.

This film seeks to raise awareness of mental health challenges in rural communities and encourage people to seek help.

If you or someone you know is struggling, remember that support is available.

Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit for information on local support services.
