Attracting youth to secure Hervey Bay’s future
1 min read

HERVEY Bay faces a critical juncture: if we don’t pivot our focus towards attracting younger generations, we risk severe workforce shortages within the next 20 years. 

Our current trajectory, heavily skewed towards catering to retirees, is unsustainable. 

As president of the Fraser Coast Property Industry Association, I see firsthand the urgency of this issue.

Post-COVID, our city’s demographics have shifted dramatically. 

Our average age has increased from 48 to 51, and a large segment of our workforce is on the brink of retirement.    

This impending “retirement cliff” threatens to deplete our labor force, stalling economic growth and innovation. 

We must act now to reverse this trend.

Key to this reversal is investing in infrastructure that appeals to a younger demographic. 

This includes enhancing our nightlife economy, aligning education with job opportunities, and developing modern, affordable housing. Such infrastructure not only attracts young professionals but also retains our youth, preventing the brain drain that has plagued us for years. 

Furthermore, we need to reimagine our city's image. 

Moving away from being perceived solely as a retiree haven, we must market Hervey Bay as a vibrant, dynamic community with diverse opportunities for all ages. 

This paradigm shift requires political will and community support, but the rewards are manifold: a balanced, thriving population and a robust, sustainable economy.

By embracing these changes, we pave the way for a prosperous future for Hervey Bay. 

Let’s build a city that not only supports our current residents but also attracts and nurtures the talent of tomorrow. 

The time to act is now.

With GLEN WINNEY - President - FCPIA

