17th October Edition 2024
6 min read

Footpath Hervey Bay

To Fraser Coast Councillors On 9/06/23023 I sent an email to council complaining about the lack of footpaths in many areas of Hervey Bay and outlined the dangers to young mothers with children in hand and pushing a pram, having to walk on the road because of no footpath being available. 

I have also mentioned this in conversation with the Mayor and expressed my fear of a life, lives being lost.

Well Councillors as I am sure you are aware of the recent tragic hit and run on Doolong road where a young mother was killed walking along the road which had no footpaths. 

Had a footpath been available this tragic incident would not have happened. 

I believe this young mother fortunately did not have her children with her or they would have been wiped out too.

Just what will it take for you, Councillors, to understand the obvious danger you are subjecting pedestrians to by not taking this issue seriously and as a matter of urgency embark on a program to create footpaths as a matter of the upmost urgency before another similar tragedy occurs.

This whole issue is particularly galling when we have to accept the outrages cost of your totally unnecessary and very unpopular premises you are constructing for yourselves, and you wonder why your popularity amongst the public is so low. 

You, the Councillors of Fraser Coast are paid by the rate payers and from our taxes to serve the needs of the residents of the Fraser Coast not to indulge yourselves in this luxury accommodation whilst such a fundamental need as footpaths is not being provided.

I know there are issues with private roads however a financing arrangement could be looked into there will be a way to get this done.

Please do not ignore this plea because unfortunately without action a tragedy like this will happen again.

Ian Fletcher-Jones

I’m David Lee, your LNP candidate for Hervey Bay

Since moving to Hervey Bay eight years ago, I have been a visible, vocal and active member of the Hervey Bay community.

As the son of small business owners, I know the value of hard work, community spirit and civic duty.  

I have been proudly and actively involved in the Fraser Coast Hospice Association, Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, Rotary and the Leukemia Foundation.

I was the Division 9 Councillor on Fraser Coast Regional Council, and it was through my local government representation I thought more could be done on a State level.  

It’s why I’m putting my hand up to be your representative in State Parliament.

I have enjoyed a diverse career as a solicitor, registered nurse and army soldier.  

My experience as an Australian Army Medic and Theatre Technician, as well as being the Chief Executive Officer of various health and aged care services, has given me a solid understanding of the health care sector.  

I’m particularly passionate about protecting the safety, security and prosperity of the residents of Hervey Bay.

The current Labor Member is silent on the issues that matter most in Hervey Bay.  

The entire Labor government have stopped listening on issues like crime, health, housing affordability and cost of living pressures.  

These are the major issues that need addressing in the Hervey Bay electorate.

In the lead up to the 26 October 2024 State Election, I have been listening to locals in every corner of the Hervey Bay electorate.

The residents of Hervey Bay deserve easy access to health services, safety where they live, respect for where their taxpayer dollars are spent and a government that works for them.

I look forward to working with the Crisafulli LNP team to deliver the right priorities for Hervey Bay’s future.  

Therefore, I’m respectfully asking for your support on the 26th October.

David Lee - Authorised by B. Riley, LNP, 281 SandgateRoad, Albion QLD 4010

Response to Colin’s letter

Now is a time to be grateful for what we have in Hervey Bay.

I suggest that Colin (Letter to Editor 3-10-24) looks back through the records. 

If he does this without bias, he may come to appreciate the huge commitment and effort elected representatives have applied to their task, resulting in the excellent city we have today – liveable whilst expanding, green and sustainably conscious whilst a haven for recreation.  

When Sue Brooks was on Council, we could be assured that Sue would present with queries and questions or call for clarifications showing she was diligent in her own research, in seeking professional advice and resilient in coping with repercussions should her stance not be popular. 

For Sue’s backing of a community effort to prevent an increase in the number of flights flying over residential Urangan, many long-term residents, including myself, are eternally grateful.  

Let us be grateful for what we have.

Rosemary Skinner – Urangan

Sheraton Resort - the best advice?

Back in 2017, the Fraser Cost Regional Council were considering a proposal to install lights to illuminate part of the Scarness Beach.

They did commission expert advice by Dr Col Limpus, who identified a number of critical issues which included that “the area supports low density nesting of loggerhead turtles, which are listed as endangered species by the Federal and State Governments.”

The planning officer recommended that the “Council take no further action in relation to lighting the Scarness Beach, given the issues identified within the report.” (Ordinary Meeting Agenda - 16 August 2017 p103-104).

Earlier this year an ecologist representing the environmental consultants engaged to prepare an impact assessment for the MCU application of the developers of the “Sheraton Towers” proposal, whilst extolling the features of the development and downplaying the adverse effects of the development, remarkedly stated there was “no recent or historical sea turtle records in the direct vicinity of the development” (Hervey Bay Advertiser - 16 May 2024).

Obviously, in preparing his response for Council on the Development Application, the responsible Planning Officer took more notice of the latter advice.

In his consideration of the development’s adverse impacts on coastal resources, processes and values his response was “The Marriott group who operates Sheraton hotels have a very good reputation for being responsible and sustainable and their world standings and 195million club members across the globe are in their words testament to the environmentally sustainable practices of the company.” (Statement of Reasons 14 Aug 2024).

Pathetic, isn’t it?

Peter Duck - Point Vernon
