14th November Edition 2024
4 min read

Is Hervey Bay tourist friendly?

Hervey Bay calls itself a tourist town. At best it is a brief stopover point for tourists to access the unique world heritage sites of Lady Elliot Island and Fraser Island. Perhaps, take a whale watching trip. However, there are many whale watching opportunities up and down the east and west coasts of Australia.

Tourists come to the coast to see sand and water - the only natural tourist attraction in Hervey Bay. It is a shame the Council, or individuals within Council, seem intent on obscuring all such views that could be visible from the entire length of the esplanade and the walking/bike track.

The tourist drive does not end at Beach Road ...

The walking/bike track does not end at Beach Road ...

The esplanade does not end at Beach Road ...

The bay does not end at Beach Road ...

And tourist accommodation does not end at Beach Road ...

However, Council has mostly neglected parks, gardens and foreshore reserves north of this arbitrary point and failed to invest in appropriate maintenance. This lack of investment and foresight has seen the parks, gardens and reserves infected with weeds, pests, declared pests and nonendemic/non indigenous flora to be

planted or allowed to proliferate unabated. This has resulted in natural resource degradation, damage to remnant flora, compromised biodiversity and a negative effect on the health and recreation activities of the residents and tourists.

Tourists are faced with visual pollution - overplanted, overgrown vistas hiding the natural bay and its delights, long grass up to armpits, tree killing signs, ad hoc and ineffective mowing practices and a walk/bike track in need of attention. Clean up your act and make it attractive to tourists.

Instead of ad hoc and individual decision making, the council needs to develop a comprehensive management plan in consultation with a broad cross section of independent experts, residents, end users and tourists. Actually, talk to people!

To this end, the Mayor, Councillors, upper and middle Council managers and the crew from the Botanic Gardens can be deployed one day a week/fortnight to work on the front line. This would raise awareness and knowledge of the real issues, ensure appropriate utilisation of limited resources, promote a positive organisational culture, community engagement and a view into the world of tourism.

Council documents state there is not an erosion issue in Pialba, Point Vernon and Gatakers as they have rocky platforms. These same documents recommend weed management, fire management, preservation of views and tree removal. Given these criteria council scores an F for failure!

Therefore, the planting of trees in the name of erosion is unnecessary and a waste of resources. Stop planting trees until the parks, gardens and foreshore reserves can be appropriately managed. The council needs to undertake a massive weed management program such as, but not limited to: the removal and poisoning of non-indigenous flora including cottonwoods, rubber trees, African tulips, cacti, prickly pear, oleander, guava, mother of millions, mother-in-law tongue, asparagus fern, acacias, exotics, varies species of pines, various species of palms, various species of vines/strangler vines and various species of grasses etc etc etc. Trim the overgrown grass and mulch to bring these parks, gardens and foreshore reserves to the same standard as south of Beach Road and the Botanic gardens.

Tourists have a much higher standard than the Council. They are not interested over grown, weed infected and neglected vegetation, but seeking views and activities involving the water and sand.

The graffiti covered tree killing signs are not tourist attractions. Ugly, non-educative and ineffective deterrents as proven by research and the Council still installing them.

They are punitive, punishing the community and tourists and allowing the guilty to walk free.

As the signage is ineffective, the Council is looking to install cameras at great expense. Cameras have no effect on anti-social behaviour (eg youth crime) nor do they identify disguised offenders. Another waste of money! Instead of pursuing these ineffective strategies reinvest these funds into beautifying the bay and its surrounds. Positive step forward and an investment into the future of tourism.

Pet tourism is an ever-increasing industry with airlines introducing pet travellers. Tourist destinations need to cater for pets. However, the Council revamped foreshore tourist parks are not pet friendly.

The most expansive off leash pet friendly beach from Pialba to Point Vernon is a health and wellbeing hazard for pets, locals and tourists. It is littered with dead and dying trees with many near death experiences from falling branches, skull and eye injuries from the many low-lying branches at head height and the risk of falls at high tide.

No agency is taking responsibility for the removal of these Council planted trees. This issue is ongoing with advancing tides, receding coastline and Councils ill-informed practice of planting non endemic, non-indigenous species on the coastline, close to the coastline and on flood plains. Stop these plantings in the parks, gardens and foreshore reserves until such time as they have tourist attraction status. Make the beach and access to the beach pet and tourist friendly.

To make Hervey Bay a tourist hot spot the Council has a lot of remedial work to undertake and subsequently maintain.

Be a tourist in your own town!

KH - Hervey Bay
