Supporting families in difficult times
2 min read

FRASER Coast Hospice is a palliative care facility that offers flexible patient and family centres model of care for the community who have a terminal illness at no cost.

The six bed purpose built centre provides an important transition for people in the final phase of their life who require comfort and a family friendly environment that our community is fortunate to have introduced in recent years. 

For many, the special care needs that they wish for and require during that time of their life, are not readily available at home or in an acute hospital setting.

The Hospice provides a safe, welcoming space, where clients and loved ones can feel supported. Family members can resume their roles as spouse, child, parent or concerned friend, and step back from the role of carer, which many families can struggle to cope with.

While the Hospice provides full qualified dedicated nursing staff, practitioners and health professionals, the facility relies on the generous support from volunteers.

They make a difference to the lives of people and their families who are suffering from a terminal illness.

Gayle, a volunteer at the facility, says “I enjoy my work immensely and endeavour to educate others on the benefits of being a volunteer in the hospice, and carrying out our mission to “celebrate the significance of human life and recognise dying as a natural process.” 

"This leads me to say being a volunteer with the hospice is very rewarding."

"The Hospice team has become my second family and has made my professional and personal world's complete", says Gayle.

Volunteering roles at the Fraser Coast Hospice include: 

•     Front Reception – greeting & directing visitors, answering the telephone, recording mail in and mail out and other reception duties.

•     Administration – accounts and typing.

•     Housekeeping – keeping the guest area clean and comfortable for clients and their families.

•     Kitchen – preparing meals for clients.

•     Gardening and Maintenance –assist to keep our grounds looking beautiful so that clients and their families enjoy their surrounds.

•     Courier – deliver and pick up around the local area.

•     Fundraising – raising the vital funds that we need to continue to offer our service to the community.

•     Pastoral Care – a specially trained team of volunteers providing emotional and spiritual support for clients and their families.

To find out more information, please call and speak with our Volunteer Coordinator on 07 4334 0030.
