Coaching for wellness to Live Purposefully
3 min read

IT IS WELL publicised, the significant burden of mental health issues impacting men in Hervey Bay. Approximately 75% of suicides in Australia are men and many relate the alarming figure to the lack of conversations compared to the opposite sex. Seven out of nine suicides are men.

The connection of suicide to men’s mental health is strongly discussed however there is still stigma surrounding men seeking mental health services and men are less likely to seek support.

Jillian Ramsden is the Founder and Principal at The Listening Space, where she helps individuals, business owners, and organisations to achieve the results they want through simple strategies that improve communication, well-being and increases productivity.

She has received much media coverage, multiple radio and tv interviews, speaking about the problems men face and how she has helped them, with her passion for empowering men in particular to take control of their lives.

“Over the last ten years I’ve had the good fortune of helping many men overcome personal challenges, grow to feel more empowered, manage their stress, have better quality relationships, to feel more connected with their ‘self’ and the people they love,” says Jillian.

While counselling and seeking support is recommended, she highly recommends the use of a coach that can take a top-down approach to coaching, identifying any values conflicts first, that can hold people back, before working with any emotional blocks and beliefs you may have about yourself, that are also getting in the way.

“Most coaches start with limiting beliefs (the things you tell yourself about yourself or a situation) but unless you have cleared out the values conflicts first, not much will change or it’s going to take a lot longer. I’ve found that very often once I help a client resolve a values conflict, everything else disappears.” 

Gaining more clarity around goals, how they want their life to look, will have a positive impact on a person’s direction and purpose in life.

This month celebrated Men’s Health week emphasising the importance for men to have regular health checks and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities.

Men’s Health Week focuses on not just physical health, but also men’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Jillian has identified three core problems that are hurdles for someone to live a stress-free life:

1. Not knowing who you are and feeling disconnected from the people you care about

2. The beliefs you have about being a man and your role in relationships

3. Feeling lost, losing all sense of yourself, your purpose and your meaning in life

During her years of dedication to helping men, Jillian has observed how the disconnection men experience, with who they are, can impact their lives significantly.

“I decided to dedicate my life to helping men like you, reconnect with who you are, and reconnect with the people that matter the most to you - I want kids to grow up knowing their Dad. For you to feel more empowered and live a meaningful life of purpose,” says Jillian.

Her business The Listening Space can be contacted via their website
