A seat to support mental health
2 min read

IF YOU notice two yellow benches along our esplanade, there is a reason for the new bright inclusion to our foreshore.

Volunteers of the Fraser Lions Club were visiting Kingaroy recently and were listening to ABC radio that discussed the concept of certain regions introducing yellow benches. 

It’s part of a worldwide campaign that the yellow benches act as a symbol of having conversations that matter and to reduce the stigma associated with mental health. The yellow bench is a symbol of 
two relative strangers meeting each other for a real meaningful conversation about their own challenges and vulnerabilities.

Member for the Fraser Lions Club, Bruce Taylor, who has been involved with Lions Club for almost 50 years, says the club had funded the installation with approval from the Fraser Coast Regional Council to remind everyone of the importance of a friendly chat.

“Everyone is touched by mental health. Everything these days has something to do with mental health,” says Bruce.

The yellow bench is a bench that represents a safe haven to facilitate a meaningful conversation with two locations along the Esplanade – one located in Otto Merchel Park in Torquay and the other close to the intersection of Witt Street, metres from the famous Parkrun turning point. The view from this position was described by the men as “tranquil”.

The worldwide campaign, often referred to as ‘The Friendship Bench’, has seen the introduction of yellow benches across the globe and Hervey Bay has led the way across Queensland by adopting the mental health initiative.

Denis Love, a member of Fraser Lions for over 20 years, tragically lost a son to mental health four years ago. He understands the pain and the loss that the illness causes.

“I tried to help him. I knew he had some problems,” says Denis.

The nation loses nine people a day to suicide, seven of them are men.

The men discussed the stigma still attached to mental health and the reluctance to speak up for help.

Mental Illness is a national health crisis that communication and conversations has proven to save lives.

The introduction of yellow benches encourages people to enjoy each other’s company and a colourful reminder of how a simple chat can change someone’s path.

Fraser Lions has donated over $25,000 this year already to groups through fundraising activities that include weekly raffles held at Kondari Hotel, Bunnings BBQs as well as 4,000 Christmas Cakes sold each year which is their biggest fundraiser.

Established in 1986, the club is coming up to its 40th year of being in Hervey Bay. Our town is thankful for their continued support and for supporting mental health initiatives in our region.
