The super power, you didn’t know you have
2 min read

The Fraser Coast, like many regions across the country, grapples with the silent epidemic of mental health problems. Our region, one in four will have a have a mental health issue. 

Symptoms, can be variable, ranging from poor sleep, loss of enjoyment, fatigue, anxiety, avoidance or other nonspecific physical symptoms, however, they can significantly impact one's quality of life.

Often, these symptoms develop gradually, with them being dismissed or overlooked until they escalate. Regular screening promotes self-awareness and empowers individuals to seek help proactively. 

Early identification through screening facilitates timely access to support and treatment, potentially averting more severe outcomes. Suicide rates among our men in the Wide Bay region are double the national average.

Individuals are the best mental health screeners in our community. It might be your good friend, a sporting team mate, a work colleague or a family member. You can be one that notices a change in behaviour and you can be the one that asks “Are you okay?”.

Integrating screening into routine doctor’s check-up appointment is paramount. However, it is acknowledged that that not everyone feels the need to check in with their doctor. Other avenues are required for individuals to address their concerns without fear of judgment, fostering a culture of openness and support within the community.

Digital tools have been produced to extend the reach of mental health screening. This enables individuals to assess their mental health discreetly and access resources tailored to their needs. This may prompt individuals to seek the healthcare they need.

It is fortuitous that on the Fraser Coast, there are a number of organisations that provide mental health support services. Groups such as Fraser Coast Mates, Flourish, Bridges, Headspace and Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre are some examples where people can seek support. These initiatives aim to reach diverse demographics, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all residents.

Mental health screening is powerful “super power” that all individuals possess and this can protect the well-being of residents on the Fraser Coast. All of you are ideally placed and are the best mental health screeners in our community. Whilst, the Fraser Coast has a multitude of community resources to assist individuals who are struggling. Remember, you can commence the discussion by asking “Are you okay?”

Dr Nick Yim - GP Torquay Doctors
